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 Equipment >> 2011 >> Rome >> Snowboard >> Label
Rome  Maker:  Rome
 Category:  Snowboard
 Model:  Label
 Year:  2011
 Price:  $260 (MSRP)

3 Stars Based based on
2 votes on 2011-10-03 15:12:55
TTT Core Matrix
StraightBiax Laminate
True Twin Shape / Reverse-Free Camber
Park Edge Bevel
Available Sizes: 128, 133, 138, 142, 145
Rome Label, 2011
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Tomorrow’s team riders can usually be found running laps in the park. Many days, they line up and session the jib line. Some days, they hike a box for hours with friends. And when night falls, they film urban features for a part in their crew’s local video production. To create a press-able, jump-friendly deck that still has the control for surfing the hill, the new Label has been revamped with Reverse-Free camber.
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